
G7 - Homeroom Homework - English Mania!


Watch the video above.

Click "comments" below.

In the "Post Comment" box, answer the following question. In the drop down box beside "Comment As:" click "openid" and fill in your name.

How can learning English improve (make better) your life: NOW, in five years, and in 20 years?

Answer in three short paragraphs (2 or 3 sentences). If someone posts an idea before you, you may not repeat the exact same idea. Think of a new one. Try to make your examples specific (eg. U13 basketball), and not general (eg. sports). If you paid attention in Social Studies, you understand the difference!

Eg. "Improving my English can make my life better now, because it will make me a better basketball player. If I can speak and understand English, it will be easier to communicate with all of my teammates and understand my coach when he is teaching me something."

DUE: Thursday.


  1. English will make my life better.Because I can take to my father and my mother in english. I can make new friends and I can do a job in other country in 20 later. I know more thing in english. I can understand some thing that dont know before I study english. I can help my father to do work in the other country.


  2. if i get batter at English i could under stand in ckass what teacher talk about.i could talk with other people or i could use English to play sport.
    i could make my grade batter.
    if i get English better i could get in a good university. i could talk with other people. if i finish in a good university i could have a good job to do.
    if i get English batter i could have a good job to do. i could comunicate with other people. i could have a very nice life if i could speak English.

    BY: cake Gr.7

  3. Jasmine: English cam make my life easier now because if i know english, it would be easier for me to understand the instructions that is given to me in class. It would also help me with my homework and understanding the teachers which lead to getting better grades.

  4. english can make my life better know becouse i can get alot of girls, and i can be approved in to better high-schools all around the world.
    i can communicate to all sorts of people giving me a chance to make better freinds...

    in five years english can make my life better becouse i can apply for meny universitys around the world... it can also help me when i travel the world. and i can also do well at school.

    in 20 years it can help me becouse then i can put food on my familys table... have an awesome wife (megan fox/ jessica alba) and i can get a really good job witch would pay off my manchine or a villa... i can afford to settle down in an amazing place... and i can own companys and ect...

    hello everybody
    this is tristans work
    so i should het full credit :P

  5. foe me english can helps me a lot because at the middle school just like learning the basic theing it will helps me when i turn to older.

    after 5years it's still good for me and propbaly in this age i'll speak englishlist little bit better than before so it's make me high-so and make different country friends.

    for20years old it's ganna heips for my university and if i got good university i propbaly will have good job and ican be wealth at most of things

    if you read my one mr alam just say good please...

  6. If I could speak english better I can
    understand what teachers said, I can talk in english and can make my grade higher
    If I speak better english, I can go to good university, I can make handsome boyfriend(if I'm pretty ㅠㅠㅠㅠ) and I can live in America or Canada and talk with my neighbor

  7. If I learn english I will be good at english.
    I will speak more english.
    I can have more friends.and I can have a good job in other 20 year later. from Khet

  8. If I learn english I will be good at english.
    I will speak more english.
    I can have more friends.and I can have a good job in other 20 year later. from Khet

  9. Can make frieend and can go university.
    I can talk to other person who were speak english.
    I can get a vary good job.
    From Jay

  10. If i study English good.
    when i grow up i can had a good job ,and i will be a rich person.
    I can help my mother and father.
    I can go anyway i wanted to go.
    I can talk to anyone in English and I go anyway i can't be carry them .
    because i can speak English,

  11. If i lern to speak english it will make my life better. I will understand what teacher taking about and i will get a goods grade:'). I will get more friends and when I'm in university I can go to other countries. When I'm grown and I will have a good future and I can go to other countries to work.

    English can help me alot!!!

    :D ♥ > < Belle..

  12. Alex

    Speeking English can make my life better now, it will be talk to the all friends about English. And then make a better English.

  13. If I can speak english better, I can make more english friend and I can talk with claire,sunny,luna in english and I can go to good university I can live in america and make a good life

  14. Dao

    If I speak better English, I can go to Grace or CMIS to see handsome boys, go to other country and teach things about Thailand and I could go to good university and go to good work

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