
U11 Girls Futsal Tournament

With only one practice before the tournament, the U11 girls found a way make it to the semi-final, but lost in a heartbreaking shootout!

The 3rd place game also went into a penalty shootout after overtime, but this time our girls managed to win, thanks to three amazing saves by goalie Kendra, and a blast into the low corner by Bew!

Congratulations girls!!!


U20 Girls Futsal Tournament

The APIS U20 girls futsal team is made up of some U13's, and the rest U16's. There is not a single girl above the age of 15 on the team, and of our starting five, three are 12 years old, including our goalie!

No one thought we stood a chance against the powerful Grace team in the semi final, as they have been undefeated for the last two years in U20 futsal.

But our girls team played extremely tough defense and managed to score a goal early in the game. From then on, they were fearlessly blocking shots, smartly deflecting passes, playing physical with the bigger and older girls, and not giving the highly skilled Grace players any space to operate. With the help of some key saves from Jasmine, APIS hung on for the HUGE upset victory, shocking the fans, the other schools, and especially the Grace coach and players.

Unfortunately, the APIS team ran out of gas and couldn't create any offense against NIS. Former APIS futsal star Mod scored the only goal NIS would need to win the U20 Futsal championship.

Still, the girls made up for their lack of size and skill, showing everyone that effort, team play and heart are the most valuable things in an athlete, not only natural ability and talent.

Great work girls!

U13 Girls Futsal Tournament

On Thursday, September 24th, our U13 girls futsal team played with alot of heart and determination! They reached the the semi-final and fought to a 1-1 draw against a strong Lanna team in regular time. However, late in overtime, Lanna scored to make it 2-1 and our girls unfortunately didn't have enough time to recover.

Our goalie Jasmine scored a goal in the 3rd place game against NIS, and thanks to a strong defensive effort, it was all APIS needed to win the bronze medal, by a score of 2-0!

APIS should be extremely proud of how well our U13 girls team played and how much they improved during the season.

Congratulations girls!


U16 Girls Futsal vs. Prem

G6 & 7 - The Beginnings of a Great Civilization

Will your civilization be peaceful? What will you eat? Where will you live? What will you use to hunt? What will you trade with other civilizations? What culture will develop? What religions? Art? Clothing? Festivals? Traditions?

Download the assignment HERE.


G7 - Novel Study - Bad Beginning - Ch. 4 - 6

Download chapter 4 HERE, chapter 5 HERE. and Chapter 6 HERE.


G7 - A Series of Unfortunate Events. Book 1: A Bad Beginning - Chapters 2 and 3

Download the question sheets HERE. Let's save some trees this year!

U13 Futsal vs. Prem

ABOVE: The game!

BELOW: The Celebration!


G7 - 5 Pillars of Society

History, Government, Economy, Culture, Environment.

Download the Powerpoint presentation HERE.